Experience the rich legacy and masterful craftsmanship of West Tampa Circle of Life Cigars, now available at 2GuysCigars.com. Crafted by Rick Rodriguez in collaboration with his mentor, Cigar Aficionado Hall of Famer Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, this regular-production line signifies a full-circle moment for the renowned cigarmakers. Blended in the Dominican Republic at the prestigious Casa Carrillo factory, Circle of Life cigars offer a medium-bodied experience in Robusto, Toro, and Gigante sizes, all elegantly boxed in sets of 20. While the specific blend remains a secret, we're told the name reflects the deep connection cigars have in the lives of both makers and aficionados. However, it could be a nod to the box office hit The Lion King, you be the judge!
Shop Circle of Life cigars at 2GuysCigars.com and be part of this symbolic journey.