Welcome to 2GuysCigars.com - Your Boutique Online Cigar Store
Discover the best and most user-friendly virtual cigar store at 2GuysCigars.com. We are dedicated to offering you the world's élite international hand-crafted premium cigars, humidors, and a wide range of unique cigar accessories, all at great prices.
Save on International Cigar Brands, as we share your passion for cigars, and our commitment to excellence ensures that you find an unparalleled selection of the rarest and most premium cigars available worldwide. Choose from renowned brands such as Padron, Davidoff, Drew Estate, Atabey, Perdomo, Byron, Alfonso, Diamond Crown, Arturo Fuente, Red Anchor and many more.
We also offer exclusive, limited-edition cigars from internationally celebrated makers like Jorge Padron, Christian Eiroa, Carlos Fuente Jr., Nick Perdomo, Nelson Alfonso and others.
Let us bring the cigar lounge shopping feeling to your phone or computer. At 2guyscigars.com we offer most cigar brands by the single as well as by the box.
But don't just take our word for it – we have been selling cigars since 1985 and were the 2nd cigar shop to go online ever, and we are still here, for a reason. We have had customers buy from 2Guys constantly for all these years and we’re not going anywhere. Family owned and operated since 1985.
Whether you place your order online, by phone, or visit one of Two Guys Smoke Shop's three New Hampshire cigar stores in Salem NH, Seabrook NH or Nashua NH, you'll get the same experience.
Even cigar aficionado’s might not know every brand we carry as we try to be the trail blazer and be the first to bring on new and exciting brands, so don’t be surprised if we recommend something to you that you might not have tried before or alert you on a great deal on one of your favorites. We are hear to serve you and prove the best customer service possible.
Shop with Confidence with 2GuysCigars.com Guarantee.
We take pride in the way we handle our climate-controlled warehouse. We use the cleanest and purest reverse osmosis water and cigar rotation method to ensure we handle the cigars we receive from cigar makers around the world with the best care possible.
We stand behind our products with your satisfaction guaranteed. With our extensive selection of international cigars and famous cigar gift packs, we know on a rare occasion, all the care and dedication to detail in providing you with the best products still allows for things to go wrong. Tell us. Our business thrives on repeat, satisfied customers just like you.
If for any reason, you are dissatisfied with your purchase at 2GuysCigars.com, you may return your product(s) for a refund, exchange, or credit. All returns must be received within 14 business days from the date of purchase.
You can shop with confidence on our secure website, as your order is encrypted for your privacy and security. Our inventory and cigar deals are updated daily so be sure to visit us regularly.
Fast, FREE Shipping on Orders of $199 or more.
Once you place your order, we ship items in most cases, on the same day.
If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, or have an APO/FPO or A Post Office Box address (please note that UPS DOES NOT DELIVER TO THESE locations), your order will be shipped via Priority Mail at no extra charge. No matter where you are, your cigars should reach you in just a few days. Take advantage of our FREE shipping offer by placing an order totaling $199 or more (international orders are excluded).
Join The Cigar of the Month Club and let us ship to you free, no matter how much or little you buy!
If you'd like to explore new and renowned cigar brands Join the Cigar of the Month Club. A lot of the customers have requested a sample pack and we make a different one every month, it’s the Cigar of the Month Club. For $29.99, we will ship 4 cigars that will be featured on The Cigar Authority Podcast show, so you can watch or listen along on demand at your convenience and learn more about the cigars if you wish. This will happen every month but you can quit anytime by calling us at 1-888-224-4272.
We have also added a second option called Prime. This package is $34.99 per month Prime will give you the 4 cigars from the Cigar of the Month Club but will feature an extra cigar. $5 more and a 5th cigar...and we promise you, the 5th cigar will be well worth it.
Now, here is where the Free Shipping comes in. As a Cigar of the Month Member, your shipping is included in the package we are sending you toward the end of each month, therefore, if you would like to ADD to your package we are sending you, let us know by the 19th of the month and we will send it along with it on or near the 20th of the month and your shipping charges are already paid.
2GuysCigar.com: Your Cigar Gift Destination
Are you looking for the perfect gift for a cigar connoisseur? Explore our vast selection of Premium Cigar Assortments, Cigar Cases, Cigar Ashtrays, and Cigar Humidors. We have something to suit every budget.
2GuysCigars.com is a proud member and financial supporter of various organizations, including the Premium Cigar Association, Tobacconist Association of America, Cigar Association of New Hampshire, Cigar Association of America, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
When in the New Hampshire area, we would love to have you visit our retail shops.
Thank you for shopping at 2GuysCigars.com!
David Garofalo
President & Founder of 2GuysCigars.com