Romeo y Julieta Cigars, established in Cuba in 1875 by Inocencio Alvarez and Manin Garcia, is a legendary brand renowned for its rich heritage and premium craftsmanship. Celebrated globally, the brand gained iconic status when Winston Churchill's favorite cigar size, a 7 by 47 Parejo, was named the "Churchill" following his visit to the Romeo factory in 1946. This name is now used by nearly every cigar brand. Today, Romeo y Julieta cigars are meticulously handmade in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Their acclaimed blends, including Romeo y Julieta 1875, Reserva Real, and Vintage, continue to captivate cigar enthusiasts with their creamy, smooth, and balanced profiles, cementing their popularity over the decades. Discover the timeless excellence of Romeo y Julieta cigars at