Indulge in the unparalleled luxury of Diamond Crown Cigars, crafted by Stanford Newman to celebrate J.C. Newman Cigar Company's centennial milestone in 1995. With an elusive Connecticut Fermented Wrapper (CFW) aged for five years and subjected to multiple fermentation processes, each puff promises a symphony of sweet, rich flavors that command the highest regard in the industry. Stanford's unwavering dedication to excellence led to the creation of a cigar that defied convention, featuring a robust 54-ring gauge that allows for a blend of 6 to 7 meticulously selected tobacco leaves, ensuring unparalleled consistency and depth of flavor. Hailed as a visionary for his bold decision, Stanford's insistence on a larger gauge proved instrumental in shaping the Diamond Crown legacy. Savor the result of meticulous craftsmanship and relentless pursuit of perfection—a true industry classic that epitomizes luxury and sophistication. Discover Diamond Crown Cigars, a testament to uncompromising quality and a must-have for aficionados seeking the pinnacle of smoking pleasure on 2GuysCigars.com