Join 2GuysCigars.com Cigar of the Month Club!
Unlock the World of Cigar Excellence with 2GuysCigars.com's Cigar of the Month Club!
Are you ready to elevate your cigar experience to new heights? Look no further than the 2GuysCigars.com Cigar of the Month Club—an exclusive journey into the finest cigars handpicked just for you.
**How it Works:**
Toward the end of each month, immerse yourself in a curated selection of premium cigars for just $29.99. Our expertly chosen 4 cigars are also the stars of The Cigar Authority podcast, ensuring you're in for a treat with each delivery. Plus, the flexibility is in your hands – call 1-888-224-4272 anytime to cancel and take charge of your subscription.
Introducing Cigar of the Month Club Prime:
By popular demand, we've added a luxurious twist! For $34.99 per month, indulge in our Cigar of the Month Club Prime, featuring an EXTRA cigar. That's right, for just $5 more, you'll receive a fifth cigar that promises an experience well worth the upgrade.
**Important Details:**
Billing: You'll be billed upon purchase, and if you order by the 19th of the month, your exquisite cigar collection will ship on or near the 20th. Orders on or after the 20th will kick off the following month.
Automatic Renewal: Enjoy uninterrupted enjoyment as you're billed automatically each month. It's hassle-free, allowing you to focus on savoring the exceptional cigars we deliver to your doorstep.
Address Changes: Need to update your mailing address? No problem! Call us at 1-888-224-4272, and we'll take care of it to ensure you never miss a shipment.
Elevate your cigar aficionado status with 2GuysCigars.com's Cigar of the Month Club. Subscribe now and discover a world of unparalleled taste and refinement!
*Because true aficionados deserve nothing but the best.*
Please Note: You will be billed on purchase. If you order before or on the 19th of the month your order will ship on/near the 20th. If you order on or after the 20th the first care package will ship the following month.
You will then be billed automatically each month.
Also if you need to change your mailing address at any time during your subscription, please call us at 1-888-224-4272 so we can make the change on our end to ensure you will not miss a shipment.
Example, you order March 21st, your first care package will be the May package. If you ordered March 19th your first care package would be the April Package.
The care package usually ships within a couple of business days of the 20th of the month.