Who wants to be a Cigar Reviewer?
The Cigar Authority is looking for cigar reviewers to rate and review new, hard to get, limited release, not yet released cigars, rare, aged, and old-time classic cigars for The Cigar Authority Website, but it’s going to cost you.
1) You must be a Care Package Member to Join
2) You must agree to a re-occurring $20 per month for the cigar (you may quit anytime).
3) You agree to smoke both cigars and rate and review before the deadline.
4) You allow us to use your name (or name you chose) in the review possibly.
5) You understand you may be asked to step down and open your spot for others in the future.
Have you ever wanted to do blind cigar reviews and ratings?
The Cigar Authority is looking for reviewers to join the team, individuals who agree to smoke two of the same cigars without the band and without knowing what the brand is, while filling out our official review sheet and email it back before the 30-day deadline.
To quality you must be a Cigar Authority Care Package Member and agree to have the two cigars added (of the same) un-branded cigars each month and agree to review and rate. They will be the same cigar, but we believe you will need two of them for a proper review. Your rating and notes may be used along with others to cultivate a complete review. Your name (that you choose) may or may not also be included in the review. Also, you agree to pay an additional re-occurring $20 added to your Care Package for those cigars but no additional shipping will be involved. You may cancel anytime, or you may be asked to cancel if proper reviews are not communicated.
In the future, we may reach out to you to no longer pay to play, but get the cigars free of charge, or ultimately get paid and ask to join our team.
To participate, sign up here.
Your first set of cigars will go out with the next Care Package Shipment.